

Sekolah Darma Bangsa is a “Non-Secular” National Plus School of International insightful in the Lampung Province, conducting Early Education (Kindergarten) Primary Education (elementary school) and Secondary Education (junior high school and high school).

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Building lifelong learners for the 21st century who are “Smart”, “Dynamic” and “Bright”


To instill students with knowledge and skills to become creative citizens locally and globally through the dedication of caring and professional staff in an attractive, stimulating, bilingual, learner-centered, and technology-rich school environment.

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Conducts Early Education (Kindergarten) using the Montessori Method, Primary Education (elementary school) uses Cambridge and the Indonesian National Curriculum, Secondary Education (junior high school and high school) using Cambridge and the Indonesian National Curriculum. SDB offers ICAS (International Competition and Assessments for Schools) sponsored by the University of North South Wales, Australia.

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Sekolah Darma Bangsa offers modern air-conditioned classrooms, swimming pool, basketball court, playground, multi-function room, several laboratories, modern ICT labs, and WiFi to provide International academic and non-academic support for students.

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Sekolah Darma Bangsa students have been universally recognized by the Lampung province, nationally and internationally for academic and non-academic achievements. In our view all SDB students are “WINNERS”.

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SDB - Memperingat Hari Kartini

Tanggal 21 April selalu diperingati sebagai Hari Kartini. R.A Kartini, pahlawan nasional yang memperjuangkan emansipasi wanita dan kesetaraan gender. Dalam buku Habis Gelap Terbitlah Terang (Door Duisternis Tot Licht), Kartini berjuang agar wanita mendapatkan persamaan hak dalam berbagai ranah kehidupan, khususnya pendidikan dan harus tetap menjunjung tinggi kodrat kewanitaannya.

Hari Kartini selalu diperingati dengan simbol-simbol kewanitaan, seperti pakaian baju daerah, parade baju daerah, lomba memasak, lomba busana, lomba merias. Hari Kartini hampir identik dengan pakaian daerah. Apalagi di sekolah-sekolah,

Dalam meperingati Hari Kartini Sekolah Darma Bangsa mengadakan sebuah acara yang berupa perlobaan memasak dan game-game kekompakan yang menyenangkan yang ikuti oleh para siswa, guru dan orang tua murid.

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2012 -2024  Sekolah Darma Bangsa
Jl. Z.A. Pagar Alam No.93A Rajabasa, Bandar Lampung | Tlp: 0721-700931 | Fax: 0721-771556 | Kode Pos: 35142