

Sekolah Darma Bangsa is a “Non-Secular” National Plus School of International insightful in the Lampung Province, conducting Early Education (Kindergarten) Primary Education (elementary school) and Secondary Education (junior high school and high school).

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Building lifelong learners for the 21st century who are “Smart”, “Dynamic” and “Bright”


To instill students with knowledge and skills to become creative citizens locally and globally through the dedication of caring and professional staff in an attractive, stimulating, bilingual, learner-centered, and technology-rich school environment.

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Conducts Early Education (Kindergarten) using the Montessori Method, Primary Education (elementary school) uses Cambridge and the Indonesian National Curriculum, Secondary Education (junior high school and high school) using Cambridge and the Indonesian National Curriculum. SDB offers ICAS (International Competition and Assessments for Schools) sponsored by the University of North South Wales, Australia.

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Sekolah Darma Bangsa offers modern air-conditioned classrooms, swimming pool, basketball court, playground, multi-function room, several laboratories, modern ICT labs, and WiFi to provide International academic and non-academic support for students.

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Sekolah Darma Bangsa students have been universally recognized by the Lampung province, nationally and internationally for academic and non-academic achievements. In our view all SDB students are “WINNERS”.

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Kegiatan Rutin Tahuan

Kegiatan rutin adalah sebuah aktivitas yang selalu diselenggarakan secara berkala, setiap kegiata selalu melibat siswa dan guru. sehingga sebuah kegiata yang mengakrabkan seluruh elemen-elemen sekolah. Berikut ini adalah kegiatan rutin sekolah Darmabangsa.



SDB Homestay

Kegiatan di mana siswa akan tinggal bersama keluarga-keluarga tertentu di sebuah desa. Mereka akan melakukan / membantu kegiatan sehari-hari yang dilakukan oleh tuan rumah mereka. Melalui kegiatan ini para siswa diharapkan dapat:

  1. Mengamati dan mempelajari fenomena kehidupan yang mereka akan hadapi
  2. Membentuk karakter mereka dengan memiliki lebih banyak kesadaran sosial   
  3. Belajar mandiri
  4. Membangkitkan kreativitas mereka dengan mengamati setiap kesempatan yang mereka temukan untuk meningkatkan potensi mereka



Sekolah Darma Bangsa dalam menambah keunggulan dan ingin mempertajam pengetahuan siswa-siswinya dengan pergi ke luar dari kegiatan kelas biasa dan masuk ke kegiatan di luar negeri.

Secara khusus, ini akan menjadi langkah signifikan terhadap pemenuhan "Perspektif Internasional" dimana siswa akan membenamkan dalam pendidikan, masyarakat sekolah, dan budaya.

Tujuannya adalah untuk mengekspos siswa dan guru dengan cara melakukan sesuatu seperti biasa di budaya lain sedemikian rupa sehingga peserta akan termotivasi untuk bercita-cita lebih baik dan mimpi besar untuk masa depan mereka, mengingat tujuan untuk mencapai daya saing global.

Nguduk Bareng (Ramadhan activity)

Ini merupakan kegiatan yang bertujuan untuk mempererat tali silaturahmi antar komunitas SDB termasuk pengusaha, karyawan, siswa dan orang tua dan juga dekat sekitarnya.

Sejak hari Idul Fitri adalah hari suci, orang saling memaafkan selama hari-hari. Dengan demikian, kami berharap bahwa kita dapat mengambil kesempatan ini untuk memiliki hubungan yang lebih baik dengan orang lain.

Kompetisi kelas diadakan selama kegiatan ini. Mereka melakukan kemampuan mereka dalam drama, menyanyi, menari dll Peserta: semua siswa


OSIS Election

Ini adalah kegiatan di mana siswa akan mengambil bagian dalam pemilu untuk memilih SMP dan SMA Presiden OSIS dan Wakil Presiden. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah:

  1. Merestrukturisasi petugas OSIS yang telah menyelesaikan tugas mereka
  2. Memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa kelas kedua untuk ambil bagian dalam organisasi sekolah Peserta: semua siswa



SDB Fair adalah kegiatan tahunan, untuk tahun ini berikut jenis kegiatan, tema kegiatan berikut waktu penyelenggaraanya. Proposed Activities:

  1. Junior Scientist Science competition untuk siswa SD, dilaksanakan oleh Departemen SMP,
  2. SDB English Olympiad English Competition untuk siswa-siswi SD, SMP dan SMA di Lampung,
  3. NTK Got Talent Performance competition untuk siswa-siswi NTK di Lampung
  4. Singing Idol adalah kompetisi menyayi untuk siswa-siswi SD, SMP dan SMA.
  5. SDB Cup 2013, Modern Dance Competition, and Futsal Competition untuk siswa-siswi SD, SMP and SMA.
  6. Pementasan Drama Musical



Annual Activity

Annual events are an activity which is always held on a regular basis, every activity always involves students and teachers. That an activity to familiarize all the elements of the school. Here is annual events in  Darma Bangsa school.


SDB Homestay

This activities is which students will live with certain families in a village. They will carry out and assist day-to-day activities performed by their hosts. Through this activity, the student is expected to:

  • Observing and studying the phenomenon of life that they will face
  • Shaping their character by having more social awareness
  • Self learning
  • Arouse their creativity by observing every opportunity they find to increase their potency



Darma schools in the nation to increase the benefits and want to sharpen the knowledge of its students go outside of regular classroom activities and entry into overseas activities.

In particular, this will be a significant step towards the fulfillment of "International Perspectives" in which students will be immersed in education, school community, and culture.

The goal is to expose students and teachers by way of doing something as normal in other cultures such that participants will be motivated to aspire to be better and big dreams for their future, given the goal to achieve global competitiveness.


Nguduk Together (Ramadhan Activity)

It is an activity that aims to tighten the relationship between SDB community including employers, employees, students and parents and also near vicinity.

Since the day of Eid is a holy day, people forgive each other for days. Thus, we hope that we can take this opportunity to have better relationships with others.

Competition classes are held during this event. They perform their skills in drama, singing, dancing, and etc.


OSIS Election

It is an activity in which students will take part in the election to choose a junior high and high school student council president and vice president. The purpose of this activity are:

  • Restructure the council officers who have completed their tasks
  • Provides the opportunity for a second grader to take part in the organization of school



SDB Fair is an annual event, this year for the following types of activities, the theme of the following activities penyelenggaraanya time. Proposed Activities:

  1. Junior Scientist Science competition for Elementary Students, conducted by SMP Department
  2. SDB English Olympiad English Competition for SD, SMP and SMA students In Lampung
  3. NTK Got Talent Performance competition for NTK students in Lampung
  4. Singing Idol is singing competition for Elementary, Junior and Senior High School students
  5. SDB Cup in 2013 and Modern Dance Competition Futsal Competition for Elementary, Junior and Senior High School students
  6. Staging Musical Drama

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2012 -2024  Sekolah Darma Bangsa
Jl. Z.A. Pagar Alam No.93A Rajabasa, Bandar Lampung | Tlp: 0721-700931 | Fax: 0721-771556 | Kode Pos: 35142